RJC Dance Boys Group is open to any boy aged 9 - 19 who is interested in dance - you don't need to be a member of our Youth Provision, though our existing members are of course welcome. This is a special space to get into dance, build confidence and express yourself. With Nillanthie you will dance, move and exercise and work towards building choreographed routines. These project sessions, which take place every Saturday from 11am-2pm, provide an introduction to RJC Dance styles and performance work. These sessions culminate in a high quality dance production performance, at RJC Dance Youth Provision Christmas Show.
Learn more about this incredible project, see behind-the-scenes photos and watch an introduction to the 2021 members in our blog.
RJC Dance Youth Provision is rooted in equality and cultural diversity and engages young people from all backgrounds. It's our hope that we can keep our young people motivated, moving and supporting one another, because our community is what we're all about.
For information about the session and to register your interest in joining, please email stef@rjcdance.co.uk